lunes, 7 de noviembre de 2011

Diario de Stefan. Crónicas Vampíricas, VVAA

Fecha de publicación:  22 noviembre
Editorial Destino

Comprometido para casarse con alguien a quien no ama, Stefan queda prendado de una joven misteriosa llamada Katherine. Hermosa y seductora, ella corresponderá al amor de Stefan… y al de su hermano Damon. Diario de Stefan revela lo que realmente sucedió entre los hermanos Salvatore y Katherine… Un triángulo amoroso que abarcará toda la eternidad.

viernes, 8 de julio de 2011

The Vampires Diaries. The Hunters 1. Phantom /// The Hunters 2. Moonsong

Aunque la autora de esta saga era L.J.Smith, ella fue despedida por la editorial, por lo que estos nuevos libros estarán escritos por un "autor fantasma" que seguirá con ellos. No me parece nada bien, pero en fin, aquí os dejo las portadas del libro 1 y 2 en inglés. En español aún no tenemos las portadas, pero la saga se sabe que se llamará Phantom.

domingo, 3 de octubre de 2010

Stefan´s Diaries: Second Book BLOODLUST

¡¡Ya tenemos aquí la portada del segundo libro de la saga de Stefan por fin!!

En lugar de salir Stefan en la portada, esta vez sale su hermano Damon AHHHHHHH qué guapo es =)

Libro 2 - Bloodlust

Stefan y Damon Salvatore, son vampiros ahora y tienen que lidiar con las consecuencias de su destino. Ellos escapan de su pequeña ciudad natal; Mystic Falls, que esta invadida por cazadores de vampiros y viajan a Nueva Orleans. Mientras Stefan se deleita con sus poderes, Damon sigue afligido por la perdida de Katherine; la preciosa vampira que estuvo alrededor de ambos. Pero Nueva Orleans ofrece tentaciones y peligros. Stefan se enamora de otra humana y sus poderes serán puestos al límite. Damon termina capturado por un sádico y malo cazador de vampiros. Stefan sabe que debe salvar a su hermano, pero le costará a él, su nuevo amor?

viernes, 24 de septiembre de 2010

Portadas de Bulgaria de Crónicas Vampíricas


The Hunters

Este es un post que la misma escritora puso ayer en su web, donde habla del título de la nueva trilogía que se llamará The Hunters. Os dejo la notícia en inglés, que me da palo meterla al traductor y que quede mal, mi inglés no es demasiado bueno, lo siento jeje:

The New Name for the next Vampire Diaries Trilogy is . . .

. . . The Hunters. I suppose this is because the core group will be going to college together, where they will meet new characters and find mysteries to solve, both occult and otherwise.

I don’t actually remember anyone suggesting this, but I get a lot of email, and my assistant is on vacation. So if you wrote in and recommended “Hunter, ” “Hunters,” “The Hunters” or something like that, let me know and I’ll check for your email and then send you an autographed book—of your choice.

I have to say thank you to everyone who participated in this—some of the titles were fabulous and I may—if it’s allowed—use them for individual books in the future. I really appreciate all the suggestions, which ran the gamut from gritty and down-to-earth to high fantasy. I’m so proud that my readers have such great imaginations.

What will the three individual books be called? Unless something changes, they will be Phantom, which will should be out in the summer of 2011, Moonsong, and Eternity. I'll post dates for the last two books when I hear them from my publisher.

In the meantime, paperbacks called Stefan's Diaries will be coming out. These will be about the TV show, back in the time of the Civil War. None of the Stefan's Diaries books will be written by me, but they may help . . . er, sate your thirst for new Vampire Diaries material.

I’m really, really excited about my new website, created by Usok Choe of Usok Choe Designs. Usok is such a nice guy, especially since he’s an absolute genius. He really thinks and researches before he begins work and what he’s done for the site is nothing less than miraculous. It’s what I always envisioned, but that a huge company like Lightmaker couldn’t produce. Since I am about twenty years behind on the technology front (I still remember cute ftp and making sites with Adobe Pagemill) then this is just another blessing I don’t deserve.

Speaking of technology, I got a Droid 2 phone and I am doing my best to figure out how to use it. First I had to get my nails cut so that the darn thing would recognize my touch, and then I tried to figure out the apps already on it before getting more. I swear that the phone has taken a dislike to me and refuses to show me my email, while it rolls over like a puppy and will do anything for my more tech-savvy friends.

One thing in particular I wanted to do was pick up the CW’s offer of free passages from The Vampire Diaries books, and read them on my phone. I saw in an ad that you can even buy the entire books to read on a phone. Why anyone would want to do this is beyond me, but I guess the young and keen of sight are a different breed.

Oh, and sincere thanks to Victoria M. of New Jersey who discovered a lovely new item for a wonderful new contest. Thank you, Vicki! I always appreciate new contest ideas, or new prizes that have meaning to my readers.

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